Sam Stein at the Huffington Post finds Hillary s recent criticism of Barack Obama for his elitist comments a bit hypocritical During the past week Sen. Hillary Clinton has presented herself as a working class populist the politician in touch with small town sentiments compared to the elitism of her opponent Sen. Barack Obama . But a telling anecdote from her husband s administration shows Hillary Clinton s attitudes about the lunch bucket Democrats are not exactly pristine. In January as the Clintons were licking their wounds from the congressional elections a debate emerged at a retreat at Camp David. Should the administration make overtures to working class white southerners who had all but forsaken the Democratic Party The then first lady took a less than inclusive approach. Screw em she told her husband. You don t owe them a thing Bill. They re doing nothing for you you don t have to do anything for them. The statement which author Benjamin Barber witnessed and wrote abo! ut in his book The Truth of Power Intellectual Affairs in the Clinton White House was prompted by another speaker raising the difficulties of reaching Reagan Democrats. It stands in stark contrast to the attitude the New York Democrat has recently taken on the campaign trail in which she has presented herself as the one candidate who understands the working class needs. I don t think Obama really gets it that people are looking for a president who stands up for you and not looks down on you she said this week. This highlights the conflict that runs through Hillary s political career. She is at her core a leftist. She believes in the power of government to solve any conceivable problem and believes it with a deep moral convictions that it is not only good but right and necessary her Christian duty. But she while she does not have the instinct for compromise that her husband does and her political personality is combative and confrontational she is aware of the need to appear! moderate and practical. So behind the scenes in the White House she was always pulling Bill left and creating a war room mentality where she picked out an enemy and attacked with everything she had she also eventually had to face reality and compromise on something. Hence she opposed almost every centrist policy Bill agreed to balancing the budget NAFTA welfare reform deregulation etc. But political reality intruded and she eventually signed off in order to keep Bill politically viable. And in her own independent career she has the record of a reliable across the board liberal. But she realized that she would need to at least appear to be a centrist on some issues to be politically palatable to a broad range of voters. The one most consistent area where she developed this reputation was foreign affairs. She was to be the liberal hawk who wasn t afraid to use force but who would bring a realism that was lacking in the Bush administration. This went along well until the changing nature of opinion on the war in Iraq tripped her up. On domestic i! ssues however the rabid nature of the Democratic base continued to anchor Hillary to liberal positions. A few times she tired to moderate her rhetoric on abortion or other hot button issues but her positions remained extreme she has never supported a single policy aimed at reducing abortions or encroaching on the right to choose in any way . Each time the left complained loudly and she soon returned to her angry and conspiratorial rhetoric. She honestly believes there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and they are out to get her. She takes things personally and she has a temper. When she is challenged she is stubborn and tends to lash out. Given her history the quote and exchange noted above is perfectly consistent with Hillary s personality and style. Democratic voters would be foolish to trust her and her promises. The one things we know about the Clintons is that when push comes to shove the only thing they care about is themselves. No user responded in Hillary In Screw Em! Subscribes to this post comment rss or trackback url Leave Your Reply Below. 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I've just been letting everything pass me by. Pretty much not much going on right now. I've just been hanging out waiting for something to happen. I feel like a complete blank. That's how it is.
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Friday, April 18, 2008
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