Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chinese English Bible Traditional UnionNiv New Testament

Chinese English Bible Traditional Union Niv New Testament Filed under Paperback by admin Binding Paperback ASIN Manufacturer Chinese Bible International Ltd Average Customer Review From total reviews List Price Amazon Price . new used available Price is accurate as of the date time indicated. Prices and product availability are subject to change. Any price displayed on the Amazon web site at the time of purchase will govern the sale of this product. Editorial Reviews Product Description Chinese English Bible Traditional Union Niv New Testament Published by Chinese Bible International Ltd Customer Reviews This is traditional script Chinese for Taiwanese and Hong Kong. by Dave Buying the right Chinese Bible can be confusing. There are two writing styles. The older Traditional Script is original Chinese but is only in use in Taiwan Hong Kong Indonesia and by people from those countries. The newer Simplified Script has been in use in China mainland China since the s. So anyone w! ho emigrated from China prior to the s would read Traditional Script. This Bible is in Traditional Script and therefore would not be appropriate or readable for someone from China. This Bible is for people from Taiwan and Hong Kong. There are exceptions. People from Southern China who frequently deal with Hong Kong can sometimes read Traditional Script in addition to Simplified Script. See the review on item for a discussion on how the written Chinese is the same for Mandarin and Cantonese. You can also get this item from International Bible Society s web site in the US. 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Source: http://www.e-book4ever.com/paperback/61/chinese-english-bible-traditional-unionniv-new-testament/

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