Monday, November 12, 2007

Looking at diets effect upon acne Fort Worth StarTelegram

reprint or license print email Digg it del. The results could change the way dermatologists think about diet. They replaced foods such as white bread and highly processed breakfast cereals with whole grains. Meanwhile the other group ate a typical Western diet. The mechanism and the results are clear as day. It s worth telling patients about because it shows that diet is important Johnson says. We do know that acne is a more severe disease in Westerners . so there s got to be some connection there. Barbara Reed a dermatologist and spokeswoman for the AAD. But Johnson also thinks it s too soon to conclusively link acne to diet. Today patients with mild to moderate acne are typically given a retinoid such as Retin A and topical antibiotics. Johnson usually advises her patients to drink lots of water and avoid greasy high fat foods. Patients must use the treatment daily for six to weeks to see results.

Source:! 16.html

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I've just been letting everything happen without me recently, but oh well. Whatever. Not that it matters. Basically nothing seems worth bothering with, but I guess it doesn't bother me. I haven't gotten much done these days. I've just been hanging out doing nothing.

Feel free to read: Acne ( )

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